And there is no place more exciting, or that lends itself better to an adventure than that emporium of hardware; Bunnings Warehouse.
That's right. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but that place is a goldmine of awesome.
So it all starts (as so many of my adventures into nothing do) with a friend. Or... friends as a plural... and my ability to use them as an excuse to do anything.
Or, moreover, my inability to live life without involving someone I know and doing everything within my power to end up in the same place as them at the same time.
Megan works at Bunnings. So does Arwen.
So, I find myself at Bunnings.
Bunnings is full of stuff. This is... unsuprising given its size.
But have you ever stopped to notice how awesome the hardware, and in fact, the mass of other relatively non-hardware related stuff they have, actually is?
I remember my first few Summer Holiday boredom prompted Bunnings adventures. Tammy, Kaitlin and I would go to Bunnings to try to rescue Megan from its steely warehousey clutches... until we got stuck in the land of static electricity when we were lost in the massive carpets that hang from the ceiling in the carpet section. Then I almost broke a tile, so we ran.
And then there are the paint samples.
Now don't you try to tell me you haven't been and taken paint samples that you don't need before.
Well we do on a regular basis.
Tammy and I got bored waiting outside. We had a brilliant idea:

"Tammy, a Bunnings person is staring..."
"Where? Where?"
*points Tammy in the direction of Bunnings man*
We stood there for so long. Tammy couldn't see a thing.
Ahhh Summer Holidays! Is there any other time as sweet?
So in recent, more uni-filled, times our exciting Bunnings adventures haven't been quite as frequent.
But what prompts me to discuss the topic is that I have, in fact, had two whole Bunnings adventures in the last two weeks! Very exciting.
My first pretty much consisted of me missing the train in Hurstbridge, getting angry, driving to Montmorency (its better than Eltham there is more places to park and its faster to get there anyway) dawdling because I thought the train came WHEN ITS SCHEDULED, but aparently not, and missing it. I went to visit Megan on my way home. To make me feel better. And because I was close anyway.
So I stayed for 3 hours because I was avoiding homework.
I made myself Head in Charge of Distractions. They wouldn't give me a uniform though. Made friends with people (hmmm/ they just kept telling me to go home and I would laugh and ignore them) and discovering that Arwen was working that day too! It was very exciting and I went to visit her. It all ended badly though when she called Megan using her crazy work phoney thing (possibly a phone) so they could both laugh at something retarded that I had done. Wow... even people many metres away from each other find ways to gang up and laugh at me.
I did however discover their shrink wrapper. Bad idea.
I came back the following week, for the anniversary of discovery of shrink wrapping, just last Wednesday. Because I had nothing else to do.
I brought Owen.

We bought blue tack.
But what if someone askes what I'm doing there?
"I'm looking for wheels for my Armchair... my old ones melted"
The wheels are in isle 8.
I don't care what you say, my moustachio was fantastic.
Hahah. Oh dear.
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