Megan needs size 4 short circular needles. Did you know that every shop that is even remotely knitting related within the CBD had sold out of them today? Yes, even Big W. What the hell?
Ok, so it all starts last Wednesday and Megan was walking to work. Long story short she lost her whole bag of knitting.
(*annoying sing song voice* Hey Megan, WHERE'S YOUR KNITTING?!)
And today I went early to the city in my en devours to have my latest project good and printed nice and early for Thursday, (You know, in case of inevitable mistakes that may need fixing) and Megan came with me. Cause she is great.
We went to Dinkums (where I met Flick by the way, which was exciting because she is clearly fo shiz ossim) and printed my work and Megan waited the whole time. Patiently knittng with her 3 needles cause she no longer owns circular ones.
Well afterwards we toddled on down to Australia on Collins to go to Lincraft to buy her some such needles to make her knitting experience enjoyable once more. And whilst Flick and I stood and laughed at all the amusingly named products Lincraft had to offer, Megan made the horrific discovery that they did not have any short 4mm circular needles left.
Well then there was nothing for it Megan had class soon, and where else would we find them?
We bid Flick goodbye, and I summoned a tram;
'You there! Tram! Stop!' *tram stops* 'Excellent.'
and Megan went to her class.
So what to do in my two hours until Megan came back from class to catch the train home with Claire?
I went in search of circular needles.
It was a long, often confusing, very tiring adventure.
I went to Big W first because I knew they had needles and guessed they mightn't be too expensive.
I managed to get lost in Big W. Not entirely, but enough. They aren't kidding, it is big. (Its not particularly W though...)
I orientated myself only to discover that they had every size but the one I wanted!
Then I couldn't find my way out.
I tried to go up the down escalator, and aparently they don't even HAVE an up escalator!! It was all very... confusing.
I did eventually free myself from that god forsaken dungeon of miscellaneous goods at low prices, and rang my mum to see what she thought on the matter.
My mum suggested Myer... I didn't think so but I had a look.
I got lost in Myer. Worse than in Big W.
I actually got properly lost and aparently ended up in New York.
I eventually made it to the other side and decided to go to Clegs.
It felt like it took hours to walk all the way down to Clegs, but alas! They had just ordered the size I wanted this morning. They had sold out.
Holy Geezus, It's a 4mm circular needle shortage!!! Are people like, panic buying the things??
The Clegs woman suggested Lincraft.
I punched her in the face.
I walked allllll the way back up across the city to go to the Target Centre.
I got very lost, again. Trying to take shortcuts like the big moronic douche I am.
'I don't remember Collins Street looking like this.... there are two McGills in the city??? Wait...... I'M STILL ON ELIZABETH!?!'
Got to the Target Centre. They didn't have knitting stuff. Unsurprisingly.
I gave up, after an hour and a half or walking back and forwards across the city, and went back to Melbourne Central. Megan was there. So was Claire. I had a sundae. That made it all better.

I think they are 4s, but I'm not sure.
And I also found some awesome bedsheets at Big W.
They had planes on them... and cars!
no clegs employees were harmed in the enduring of this adventure
1 comment:
I was looking for tartan once. It was a similar ordeal.
Well, not quite so bad.
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