'Look it can pick up these bowling balls, and this table with these glasses on it... and this vase, fruit bowl full of watermelons, this midget, this mini cooper, this bottlenosed dolphin and this 6 foot clown thats juggling three chainsaws and a bunch of dumbbells'
But on the Morning Show they have taken it one step further!
Thats right! Australian infomercials have come along way since the obvious and extreme talent of Moira McLean!
They have made the attempt to blend the ads better into the show. Rather than just cutting straight to the ad, and the only link is the 'Thanks Moira." (said with obvious sincerity), they introduce it like its a serious segment. An actual issue.
Kylie will introduce it like;
'Everyone knows the pain of not getting enough sleep some times'
and Larry pops in with
'Thats right, sometimes its just hard to get a good nights rest.
But Glen may have the solution!'
(ah that man has answers to all the burning issues)
*cut to Glen lying in bed or something else suggestive and questionable. He is pretending to to be asleep because the bed is so comfy or something. Lame joke from the guest and a lame response from Glen*
Or, something to that effect.
They have actually tried to make the infomercials ENTERTAINING! Which, unfortunately, just makes them unbearable.
And he just needs to wear less makeup. He looks like he is about to melt.
Anyway, the thing that actually prompted me to talk about these burdens on Morning and late night television is the ad for Budget Car Insurance that was on a moment ago.
They have received some awesome award they got from some awesome company to tell them what an awesome insurance company they are and what an awesome job they are doing, the woman tells us and Glen holds up the awesome certificate.
And on the certificate is a big fat photoshop brush star.
my rendition of the scene:


I'm sorry, but it was just the tackiest thing I have ever seen.
Well... at least they didn't use... like Papyrus for their heading or something.
bahaha, those infomercials are amazing.. in a way.
haha i especially like the vomiting Sarah.
Glen is good but he will never replace Moira. She holds a special place in my heart.
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