Sunday, May 11, 2008

The first discoveries at the dawn of time.

So four posts in the first day of being up may seem a little excessive.
But, it is technically one point five hours after yesterday and I think, that in my ultimate quest for ways of procrastination, that it is time for my first real post.

As you may already have noticed I am bothered by the leading on this text, and I also draw stupid comics of me and my friends.
What you may not have noticed is that this explains several things about me;

The first of which is that I obviously have studied some sort of typography.
I have indeed. I am doing a bachelor of Design at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. And every week I am faced with the relatively new onset of typographic madness.
This is a serious condition. It can be very dangerous when you almost crash whilst driving because you are distracted by the typography on shop fronts.
Other symptoms include: flinching at poorly treated type during everyday activites, laughing at use of type in certain contexts, shouting: "WHY HAVE THEY USED ARIAL??" and convulsions at the sight of Comic Sans used... ever.

The second is that, despite the typographic madness, I am slightly obsessive compulsive.
But then, everyone is. Quirks like the volume on the TV has to be on an even number, or on an odd number. Or on a prime number...
Or that you have to check the house eight times before you can leave to make sure there is nothing that could possibly cause your house to burn down in your absence.
Only to forget you aren't wearing shoes... or socks... or pants.

The third thing is that I like to draw.
I do!
I draw lots of different things. Whatever passes my line of sight really... that has visual interest.
But also comics. When things come to me. And I will post them here, when they do.

And the fourth, and final thing, is that I clearly have an excellent relationship with my friends.
What do you mean show affection....though....being....nice??

You will also, in the course of time, come to realise that I like the *I am doing an action* use of asterisks far to much.

Silencio World!!

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